Monday, November 12, 2012

Game #6: vs Texas A & M

(this post is under construction)

Posts Really Are On Their Way

Thirty minutes ago I thought this post would begin with "hallelujah, hallelujah." Thirty minutes ago I discovered that the reason I have had so many picture loading woes was because of the cord that connects the camera to my computer. Evidently, if you have to hold the cord completely still while watching Monday night football and drinking a nice pinot noir for 1 picture to properly load in about 1200 seconds. Finally it's working! The problem, we take at least 50 pictures a game and I am 5 games behind. So, I found another electronic item in the house, steal the cord and voila instant downloading! I was moving quickly along and it all starts to lock up again . . . lame. I was able to get 4 games downloaded. All but the Texas A & M game. My apologies to my State of Texas friends, but this game must be skipped for the greater good.

I promise I will come back and cover it, but for today in the words of the Muppets "I'm Moving Right Along" [A.D.D. MOMENT] if you ever wondered I always have this song and video playing in my head :o)

Please take a moment to enjoy this video while I write some blog posts!